January 14, 2021
Attendees: Teachers: Christine Copeland, Jillian Geraghty, Patrick Donovan, Karen Perakis, Megan Bernazzani, Zachary McCarthy Parents: Tracy Tripplett, Morgan Hayward, Seth Kroll, Sara Smith, Meredith Sandiford, Shannon McManus, Sean Greenhalgh | Date: Thursday, January 14th , 2021 Time: 4:00-5:00 | |
Norms: | ||
Agenda Items: Supporting Equity Work/ Reading Across the JFKReview Budget for SY 21-22Overview of In Person Learning | ||
Time | Activity | Facilitator |
4:00-4:05 | Welcome | Dr. Copeland Review/approve notes from last meeting |
4:05-4:10 | Reading Across the JFK | PBIS |
4:10-4:40 | SY Budget and New Positions | Dr. Copeland |
4:40-4:55 | Returning to in Person Learning | Dr. Copeland |
4:55-5:00 | Next Level of Work | ALL |
- ● Supporting Equity Work/ Reading Across the JFK
- ○ PBIS: Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Team; focus on positive school climate, plan school community meetings, virtual field trips, etc.
- ○ Starting Friday 1/14: PBIS is beginning “Read Across the JFK”
- ■ Cross-grade Classrooms are paired to read in reading buddies and discuss different texts. First Text: I Am Enough
- ■ Focus on JFK moving more towards being an Anti-Racist organization
- ■ Texts will connect to different social justice standards (from Teaching Tolerance)
- ■ Older Students are given discussion questions to lead with younger students
- ● Review Budget for SY 22-23
- ○ This Body votes on “discretionary School funds”, Partnership dollars (City Year, Playworks, external support) , homeless services, professional development, travel (buses for field trips), supplies, instructional technology (chromebooks, smartboards), parent support services (interpreters, additional supplies), stipend. Does not vote on staffing, salaries
- ○ Budget deficit $252,804,70
- ■ City will be providing funds to balance the school budget
- ■ Had about 32 less students than expected this year across grades, doesn’t change the number of classes/teachers needed for quality learning
- ○ Received about $3000 from Brigham and Women’s Hospital to be used to be gift cards for families in need. Checks will be processed through the district, so will take some time before we are able to start distributing
- ○ New School Positions
- ■ New School Social Worker through BPS next year
- ● District funded position, will be providing direct services for students
- ● Interviews will begin in Spring.
- ● Applicants apply through district, a pool of potential hires is then created for us to select from
- ■ New Family Liaison Position Next Year
- ● Increase capacity of educators, used to be standard in BPS schools
- ■ Looking for parents to join the hiring committee for these positions
- ● Overview of Return to In Person Learning
- ■ New School Social Worker through BPS next year
- ○ The JFK reopening Task Force will be regrouping to discuss the reopening plan
- ■ Look into adding a parent member to the task force
- ■ Will be presenting to students and parents as they return to JFK about ways to safely return to school
- ○ Will hold 3 different meetings for the 3 different groupings
- ■ Kindergarten,1st-3rd, 4th-5th grade
- ○ High In person Priority Students
- ■ Monday Feb 2/1/21
- ■ High Needs level 4 students with disabilities, English Language Learners (Lvl 1&2), Students in DCF, Students experiencing homelessness, Students w/ Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (Slife), Students identified through the SST process
- ○ Monday, March 1st & Thursday, March 4th – K0 – Grade 3
- ○ Monday, March 15th & March 18th – Grade 4 and 5
- ● Questions From Parent Council Meeting 1/13
- ○ Will Teachers be Getting Vaccinated? Vaccines are being run through the state, will prioritize school nurses and teachers working in person
- ○ How many teachers will be returning to on-site learning? How many teachers will be returning in person without being vaccinated? 2 teachers requested accommodations to work from home, the district will not prevent teachers from returning to work if they’re not vaccinated
- ○ Will City Year and other partners be vaccinated/returning? No, we will be limiting the number of people in the building
- ○ How will teaching be different for in-person versus remote learning? All teachers will be given webcams, teaching will likely not be simultaneous, work will likely still be on the computer. Students will be required to return to the building every day
- ○ Can families change their preference on In-person learning in April/May? It hasn’t been decided by the district yet but is being discussed. Will depend on total capacity, in both classrooms and busses
- ○ Is there going to be Covid testing at the school? Unsure if students will be tested, in other schools it has been mainly staff getting tested
- ○ Are there any plans for following up if someone contracts covid? There was a 5 page document that was delivered today, additional details will be provided in reopening meetings.
- ○ Is there any way parents can support teachers right now?
- ○ How will covid/current events be addressed? Unsure what that will look like with everything going on, focus will be on the best way to support our staff/students/families, focus on making sure the information is correct