The Family Council brings all families in the school community together to support the school and advocate for quality education. Every parent or guardian of a BPS student is automatically a member of the School Family Council. The family council typically sponsors events, solves problems, and raises funds for special school activities.

The School Family Council is the independently established “voice” of ALL the families in the school community. The School Family Council advocates for the students and the school, meets regularly, elects representatives to sit on the School Site Council, promotes an environment of understanding and common purpose among families and school staff, with a focus on student learning and school improvement.

The John F. Kennedy School encourages all families to participate in monthly meetings of the Family Council.


    Executive Board Positions and Responsibilities

    • Co-Chair
      • Schedule family council meetings, Set family meeting agendas, Facilitate family council meetings, Maintain ongoing two-way communication with Principal/Headmaster
    • Treasurer
      • Maintain clear and accurate financial records for the family council Provide monthly and annual asset and expenses reports Lead or manage Family Council fundraising efforts
    • Secretary
      • Conduct outreach to family community. Record and share meeting notes with school community
    • Citywide Parent Council Rep
      • Participate in an inter-school parent group designed to advocate for BPS families and students and influence BPS policy
    • District English Learner Advisory Committee Rep
      • Participate in a citywide parent organization designed to provide information and resources to families of English Language Learner (ELL) students
    • Special Education Parent Advisory Council Rep
      • Participate in a citywide parent organization designed to provide information and resources to families of students with disabilities who receive special education services
    • School Site Council Reps
      • Representative the parent community as a member of the School-Site Council Participate in school-based decision-making Facilitate communication between the Family Council and SSC

    Recent Family Council Meeting Minutes

    Family Council Minutes

    More about BPS School Councils