Pick-Up and Drop Off

The school day begins at 8:20am. Students should not arrive at the school building before 8:20am and drop off is in the school yard. Please note that during drop-off and pick-up time Bolster street is for buses only. If you drive please utilize Wyman or Motzart Street. Please enter the blacktop through the Motzart Street entrance.

Students are expected to be in their classrooms, prepared for instruction, by 8:30am. Students who arrive to school after 8:35am will be marked tardy and must check in with the main office. Breakfast is provided in the classrooms.

The school day ends at 3:00pm. Pick up students in the school yard out back (Kindergarten pick up from the play structure). In the event of rain, students in Grade 1-6 dismiss through the Gym at the back of the building. Kindergarteners will wait inside the door by the play structure.

Daily Attendance Policy

Much research has been done to prove that regular attendance is a critical factor in academic success. You can help your child meet our attendance expectation by making every effort to schedule appointments, etc. outside of school hours or during school vacations.

When your child returns to school after an absence, s/he must bring a note written by a parent/guardian explaining the absence. However, please note that a parent/guardian note does not necessarily make an absence excused. BPS Attendance Policy states that, even with a written excuse, the following types of absences will be considered unexcused: repetitive and chronic absence due to illness or injury, student staying home to baby-sit, cutting class, family vacation, trip to homeland, and extension of religious/cultural holidays beyond days designated on the school calendar. In the case of a chronic or prolonged medical absence, please notify the school and provide the school with formal documentation from your child’s healthcare provider. The school is responsible for reporting chronic attendance problems to a Boston truancy officer.

In accordance with the Boston Public School’s Attendance Policy, students who have more than four unexcused absences in a marking term, or more than twelve unexcused absences in a year, may receive no-credit for that marking term or year and may be in danger of repeating a grade. See the “Guide to the Boston Public Schools” for more details on the district Attendance Policy (page 14).

The district is still finalizing guidelines for how absences will be handled in the event of a COVID related illness or quarantine. We will update this page once guidelines have been formally approved. If you have specific questions or concerns in the meantime please contact the main office (617-635-8127) or your student’s teacher.


Uniforms are mandatory at the JFK. Students may wear white or baby blue shirts with navy blue pants, shorts, skirts, or jumpers. Sneakers are preferred so that your child may fully participate in PE class and recess.