Join a Remote Learning Session for Families. The learning session will help you support your student with the various online platforms they will be using this school year, including Zoom, Google Classroom, Clever, and SeeSaw (SeeSaw is for elementary students only). People can register here
Únase a una sesión de aprendizaje remoto para familias. La sesión de aprendizaje lo ayudará a apoyar a su estudiante con las diversas plataformas en línea que usarán este año escolar, incluidas Zoom, Google Classroom, Clever y SeeSaw (SeeSaw es solo para estudiantes de primaria). La gente puede registrarse aquí
Upcoming Dates
- Tuesday, September 1, 2020 from 10:00-11:30 AM (Vietnamese)
- Tuesday, September 1, 2020 2:30-4:00 PM ( Haitian)
- Wednesday, September 2, 2020 from 2:30-4:00 PM (Chinese)
- Wednesday, September 2, 2020 from 6:00-7:30 PM (Arabic) and (Somali)
- Thursday, September 3, 2020 from 10:00-11:30 AM
- Thursday, September 3, 2020 from 2:30-4:00 PM (Spanish)
- Friday, September 4, 2020 from 10:00-11:30 AM
- Friday, September 4, 2020 from 2:30-4:00 PM (Haitian Creole)
NOTES from Sat Aug 29 2020 BPS training on Remote Learning Technology
A JFK parent attending an earlier session and took notes that we are sharing here for your information.
Please use the translate button at the top of the website to translate these notes into Spanish.
Utilice el botón de traducción en la parte superior del sitio web para traducir estas notas al español.
General Info
- Teachers are back September 8
- If you haven’t heard from us (BPS) or have a question, call 617-635-9520 or email
- Hotline- 617-635-8873 – 17 languages spoken
- School reopening website
- BPS technology video – walk thru various apps –
- Slides for part/whole of today’s presentation
- is the portal – get into all apps including Zoom
- Clever badge – point it to device & log in OR use gmail / BPS login
- get to all Apps / programs that the teacher is using with the class
Google Classroom
- can get to thru Clever or thru, sign in button, student’s email address, then you’ll be in Google Suite apps –> Google classroom.
- Google classroom can look very different depending on grade & teacher
- if want to make changes to assignment after submitted, need to contact teacher directly.
- New for BPS-wide this fall; some students exposed to Seesaw in summer learning program. Early-ed teachers are getting prof development in this app.
- Each teacher has option to use Google Classroom or Seesaw, but K-2 teachers encouraged to use Seesaw.
- Parents can see what is happening – in person classroom & remote learning. Very easy & visual – drawing, recording app, icons easy for younger kids. Young-user friendly. Available for teachers up to 6th grade, altho’ 3rd grade & up teachers may decide to use Google classroom.
- Cool feature for language access – Families can record in native language & it automatically translates to language of the teacher & vice versa!
- Can share with other family members – grandparents etc
- 2 different apps – students download class app (in their device), families download family app (in family/parents device/computer)
- Students use Seesaw to post all work – lots pictures, colors, easy to navigate
- Families – only can see your own student’s work.
- available in Clever or using invitation link that teacher sends
- From Sep 8 -18 you will start to hear directly from your school &/or teacher (&/or district):
- * regarding Group A or Group B
- * whether your student is “high need”
- * which remote app(s) will be used
- * opportunity to connect with teacher, get Chromebook
- If very few students choose hybrid, can student attend 4 days/week?
- We can’t answer that now, depends on school, but doubtful.
- Encouraging parents to be forgiving of themselves, ask teachers & school for support with technology (or anything else), as often as you need. It’s a partnership. No shaming.