Governing Board Meeting
Thursday, November 29th, 2018
Facilitators: Dr. Copeland/ Ms. Triplett
Time: 4:00-5:30
Note Taker:  Kimmy Lee
Time Keeper: 

In attendance:

Tracey Triplett, Christine Copeland, Christine Landry, Kat Moody, Christian Dibble, Morgan Hayward, Pilar Castro, Patrick Donovan, Karen Perakis, Sachian Mahon, Akua-Nia Francillon, Sean Greenhalgh, Angel Nunez, Ezinwa Nwankwo, Kimmy Lee

Time Minutes Activity
4:00-4:40 40 Transitioning from Innovation Status to Extended Learning Time(ELT) Maggie Riddell    
4:40-4:50 10 Review Meeting Notes  
4:50-5:00 10 Norms    
5:00-5:10 10 Decision Making Process  
5:10-5:20 10 Developing Working Committees  
5:20-5:30 10 Closing and Next Steps  

2nd Governing Board Meeting

In attendance:

Tracey Triplett, Christine Copeland, Christine Landry, Kat Moody, Christian Dibble, Morgan Hayward, Pilar Castro, Patrick Donovan, Karen Perakis, Sachian Mahon, Akua-Nia Francillon, Sean Greenhalgh, Angel Nunez, Ezinwa Nwankwo, Kimmy Lee

  1. Presentation:
  2. Maggie Riddell –  Schedule A Project Manager
    1. JFK is transitioning from Innovation Status to Schedule A ELT. This year is the planning year
    1. Maggie – supports all Schedule A ELT – 58 in the district. Is a partner and an ally for this process.
    1. ELT – extended learning time. Doesn’t look the same across the different types of school. JFK – traditional school (in the same category as K-8s)
    1. Innovation Status – more autonomy/flexibility:
    1. Curriculum
    1. Budget
    1. School schedule
    1. Staffing
    1. PD
    1. School and District Policies
    1. If there are differences, it is in the innovation plan
  3. Background Information:
    1. Baseline/Reasoning for ELT – BPS school day was 6 hours
    1. Increased by 40 mins – now school day is 6 hours and 40 mins.
    1. Once you exit innovation – you automatically become Schedule A
    1. BPS has no traditional schools that are not Schedule A
    1. 40 extra mins a day = ~20 additional school day
  4. Key components:
    1. 40 extra minutes in the school day
    1. Teacher Facilitated Time – TFT – 40 mins/week. Similar to CPT – teacher lead, not admin driven
    1. Supplies and materials fund – $200. Teachers have the autonomy over what that is spend on
    1. TFT – 1 TFT facilitator for every 5 teachers at the school – 1 day of PD and $1000 stipend
    1. JFK would be adding about 5-10mins to the school day. Dismissal would be the same time.
    1. Major Shifts 2019 – 2020:
    1. Curriculum – JFK made some changes this year – if different, we would need to apply for a waiver
    1. Specialist – .22 per homeroom (covers for time teachers are planning)
    1. Excessing is not allowed for Schedule A ELT
    1. PD – 30 hours for the year (biggest change for the school – currently has about 70 hours)
    1. School Site Council instead of Governing Board. Will have to follow the council manual
    1. Something needs to be different – apply for a waiver, needs 2/3 school vote and principal approval.
    1. Planning blocks – 6 planning blocks – doesn’t have to be 6 meetings, you can have less meetings if you have meet the minute requirement.
    1. PD change
    1. Thinking about what the JFK has done for the past 5 years. Had about 70 hours
    1. Teachers need to know working conditions in June but if those working conditions change – need to apply for waiver, and then waiver must be approved by 1/15.
    1. Paying for PD – that could be something that would be in waiver and the staff can vote on it. 
    1. December’s meeting – need something drafted so teachers can vote on. Anything else we need a waiver for?
  5. TFT
    1. Training for TFT – school would have to pick teachers earlier than June since there are only a few training times
    1. TFT facilitator is not compensated for CPT time. Facilitator should be picked early spring, beginning of the year so they can get started right away.
    1. Curriculum will change. District using Investigation and EL. Since JKF has autonomy – we are able to use different curriculum. Waivers potentially not needed for curriculum change
  6. Next Steps: Small group work on a survey that will go to entire staff about any changes that they want. (Big topic – PD hours)
  7. Reviewed meeting minutes
    1. Edit – Ms. Considine – comes to the school twice weekly
    1. Norms
    1. Last year the governing board had 5 norms
    1. Name cards
    1. Agendas before the meeting (minutes are in the agenda)
    1. Attendance
    1. Google invite for the meeting
    1. Start on time and end on time (4:00-5:30)
  8. o  Voting on budget – need 48 hours notice
  9. Decision Making Process
    1. At the JFK – we do a fist to five
    1. No fingers – not in at all
    1. 1 or 2 – possibly
    1. 3,4,5 – alright with the choice
    1. Communication with parents before a decision is made
    1. At Parent council meeting – someone gives an update/report
    1. Things the Governing Board can make decisions for:
    1. Discretionary Fund
    1. Review and approve the school’s innovation plan – not anymore since we’re going to
    1. Schedule A ELT
    1. Approve waivers
    1. Review and approve ILT decisions
    1. Hiring – personal subcommittee
    1. Co-chair
      1. Tracy checking the by-laws and it said the person can be elected each year
      1. Last year – talked about doing it on a two term service
      1. Changed the by-laws – 2 year position (fist to five – voted for Tracy to be co-chair for 2 terms)
      1. Governing Board was a 3 year term for members
      1. Site Council – set up anyway the councils wants – length and members
    1. Committees 2017 – 2018
    1. Grant Writing and Website Development
    1. Grants – Novel Engineering – 10,000, grant for ipads, Acceleration Academy – 2019 (during February break – students will be getting additional academic support)
  10. Committers 2018 – 2019
    1. Waivers
    1. First action item – survey for the teachers about PD and anything else they would potential want a waiver for. Survey would be sent to teachers, they would vote, (need 2/3 vote to pass), and must have 5 days notice.
    1. Members of subcommittees – Ms. Sach, Mr. Donovan, Tracy, Ms. Perakis, Mr. Greenhalgh
    1. PD for the JFK
    1. Teachers would only get 30 hours of PD when the schools shifts to Schedule A ELT.
    1. Question – could the TFT money be put towards paying for PD? Would be about $4,000
    1. What would be the ideal number of PD hours?
    1. Potential idea – 2 days in the summer (~7 hours) and then 1 and ½ hours for each month during the school year. Would add up to about 30 hours
    1. Teachers like doing whole staff PD in the summer and during the school year – builds community.
    1. Fundraising for PD?
  11. Next Steps for waiver committee – meet/draft up survey for PD minutes.