JFK School Family Council Minutes
Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 8:30am


Amanda Preston-Sicari
Michelle Juralewicz
Jen Mason Stott
Justin Rice
Anna Mudd
Morgan Hayward
Gwen Kordonowy
Yelitze Dela Rosa
David Juralewicz
Seth Kroll
Meredith Sandiford
Noulize Pena (sp?)
Katie Kersey
Sarah Horsley
Jessica Bizzle
Mahamad Aden
Jennie McDonald-Brown
Lakshmi Ganapathi

Welcome & Connections – Amanda Preston-Sicari & Jennie McDonald-Brown

School Updates

  • School Engagement & Representation Subcommittee
  • Chaired by Jen Douglas
  • School pictures in spring! 
  • Next SFC meeting February 14 at 5:30pm
  • Next School Site Council January 12 at 4pm
  • Sarah Hoarsley – BPS School Safety Committee – pushing for mandatory masking in district

School Vacation Camps

  • Idea of a school vacation camp guide to help families – Jennie
  • Sharing experiences of booking camp
  • What we would want included in a guide? Dates, location, prices, registration process, camps for end of summer, etc.
    • Other categories: bus transportation; person of reference from JFK; vaccination policies
    • Online, easily accessible 
    • Survey for families at start of school year – what did you do at camp?
