October 12, 2022 Family Council Minutes

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JFK School Family Council Meeting Minutes

October 12, 2022

5:00pm, JFK School Yard


  • Lakshmi Ganapathi
  • Dave Juralewicz
  • Amanda Preston-Sicari
  • Morgan Hayward
  • Megan McManaman
  • Cindy Shyr
  • Cathy Keating 
  • Jennie Brown
  • Jen Douglas
  • Sarah Horsely
  • Jenna Figuierdo
  • Meredith Sandiford
  • Chitra Gopalan

Jen Douglas opened the meeting with ice breakers and introductions.

Meredith Sandiford led elections. Elected positions were unanimously approved:


  • Amanda Preston-Sicari for a one year term
  • Jennie Brown for a two year term

School Site Council Representatives

  • Morgan Hayward
  • Cathy Keating
  • Cindy Shyr (one replacement position)
  • Megan McManaman – alternate

The council discussed a potential additional election at the November meeting after more outreach to fill some of the open positions.

Lakshmi Ganapathi discussed the vaccine clinic that will be held at Stories Under the Stars and requested funds to purchase gift cards as incentives for families.  Jenna Figuerido reported that our accounts are at $1,200. She also reported that at last year’s bakesale the council raised $400. With an upcoming election bakesale coming up. Meredith Sandiford proposed $250 towards the vaccine clinic. Dave called for a vote and it was unanimously approved.

The meeting concluded by circulating sign-ups for upcoming events and a reminder of the November 9th meeting at 8:30 am in the School Yard