Administración judicial para BPS: ¿No es la elección correcta?
Receivership for BPS: Not the right choice?
Monday May 23 at 6pm on Zoom / Entrar Zoom 6pm lunes 23 de mayo
Join the JFK Family Council to talk about what receivership would mean for Boston Public Schools.
Únase al JFK Family Council para hablar sobre lo que significaría la administración judicial para las Escuelas Públicas de Boston.
¡Tendremos interpretación en español! / We will have Spanish interpretation!
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View a slideshow with more information / Ver una presentación de diapositivas con más información
What can I do?
- Individuals: Share and sign the letter-writing campaign.
- Faculty Senate/SSC/Parent Council and sign-on to the letter.
- In-Person action: Attend the May 24th BESE Board Meeting, 8:45-10:30am at Wellesley H.S. (Anti-Receivership coffee, silent protest, present letter sign-ons). RSVP Here.
- Contact your State Rep and Senator; urge them to press Baker. Here’s a script.
- Contact Governor Baker by phone (617) 725-4005), email, or twitter.
- Stay tuned for a big rally at the State House.