JFK School Parent Council Meeting

September 25, 2019


Dennis Brown, Meredith Sandiford, Nicole Kroll, Agustina Moron, Shakara Carter, Anna Mudd, Sara Smith, Tanisha Dorsaintille, David Juralewicz, Sally Griffith, Jen Mason Stott, Tracy Triplett, Michelle Juralewicz, Farhiya Ahmed, Mohamed Abdullahi, Sarah Horsely, Amy Gusefski, Morgan Hayward

Translation was provided by Erika Perez through Boston Interpreters Collective.


With regard to the planned election of new officers, concern was raised that members of the parent community may not have been aware that elections would be held at the meeting.  It was noted that elections were held after the School Open House last year, which allowed publicity of the elections and open positions at that meeting.  The group agreed to postpone elections for two weeks, until October 10, 2019 to allow further notice to be given to the parent community.

Amy and other parents discussed the role of the Parent Council:  to provide representation of the parent community within the JFK in order to ensure that parent concerns are addressed, to promote networking and engagement within the parent community, and to support the JFK through fundraising and school community events.  Each of the available Parent Council positions and School Site Council positions was described.

Several parent concerns were raised:

  1. Parents wanted to make sure they are aware of Parent Council (and School Site Council) meetings ahead of time.   It was noted that all Parent Council meetings will be scheduled after elections, and will alternate between Wednesday evenings and Friday mornings.  Typically, notice of meetings has been provided through fliers sent home in child folders, email reminders, and, occasionally, phone reminders.  Because the Parent Council has the contact information only for those parents who choose to provide it, it can be difficult to give comprehensive notice via email.
  • Several parents asked about a JFK website.  It was agreed that the website address should be provided as often as possible to the school community. 

It was noted that Parent Council and School Site Council meeting dates will be posted on the website.  Several parents asked how they might be able to assist the JFK (Ms. Nelson) in updating and maintaining the website. 

  • Some parents whose children are new to the school had not received introductory information about the school, including who their child’s teacher was, the school start and end time, and pick-up and drop-off locations, and expressed that they had not felt welcome as a result.
  • It was suggested that the Parent Council develop a parent engagement group on Facebook to allow for easy communication between interested parents.
  • Concern was raised that parents did not immediately receive notice from the School of the lockdown even that occurred last school year near dismissal time.

Amy provided her email address to the group to allow parents with questions or concerns to reach out to her going forward.