These are draft minutes
School Site Council 4/13 Meeting
Dr. Copeland’s Updates:
- Hiring
Committee for Nurse position
- Nurse Kathy is retiring at end of school year
- Full time Nurse Position is posted- Currently
have ~4 applicants
- .5 Resource Position (currently Ms. Raab)- also posted
- Need to have a parent on hiring committee
- Looking for volunteers to serve on hiring committee- Interview process to be done remotely through zoom.
- Ideal applicant will be looking to be a full member of our community. Support JFK family’s holistically, focus on support for our homeless families.
- Nicole Barros and Krista Magnuson
expressed interest in supporting
- Dr. Copeland will send information
- Equity
- District recommending each school have an equity
- Push for parent involvement, choosing
- Focus on making sure we have had contact with every single student/family.
- Focus on students we are not seeing a lot of online, figuring out what the barriers are
- District is tracking student log ins, does not capture zoom sessions or classes not on google classroom (Kindergarten)
- District recommending each school have an equity
- Parent survey coming out- Dr. Copeland will post on school website
Parent’s questions/concerns:
- Amy Gusefski: we need a hard copy of the 4th
grade math book. curley hasn’t had them yet
- Dr. Copeland will continue to work to get book delivered
- Patrick Donovan: Will there be a time that we
can go to the school to get additional items
- Dr. Copeland: Reach out to Brian, can coordinate time to stop by
- Krista Magnuson: Is the school receiving mail?
- Dr. Copeland: JFK is currently not receiving mail. District is sorting mail.
- Nicole Barros: If school does not return what
might 5th grade graduation look like?
- Dr.Copeland: Unsure at the moment, high school graduations have been cancelled. Would it be safe even if school does return?
- Potential town hall*
- Tracy Tripplet: Incorporating awards for
students into Town Hall meeting?
- Dr. Copeland: We’ll think about it. Currently thinking of ways to celebrate students collectively. Also still thinking about what town hall meetings will look like moving forward
- Dr. Copeland wants to remind students/families
that next week is school vacation so there will be no online classes- Some
schools/districts that did not begin online learning as quickly as BPS have
cancelled April break
- Food Banks/Pick-up locations will still be open
- Tracy: Is JP Soccer still looking to donate
money to JFK?
- Krista Magnuson: Yes, currently $1000. Also looking into additional ways to raise funds for JFK families.
- Dr. Copeland: BPS Schools currently not allowed to fundraise, but it’s great if parents do so.
- Dr. Copeland: MCAS is cancelled for this year.
- Dr. Copeland: The JFK has a partnership with the Mendel school through the YMCA for rising 1st and 2nd graders. Summer learning program. Looking to recruit 25 students
- Dr. Copeland: Summer Learning will happen at BPS. Currently thinking about what that looks like. Not sure if it will be online or in a school building just yet.
- Tracy Tripplet: Should we pick a set day/time to
meet bi-weekly? Best ways to open it up and get more parents on the call?
- Dr. Copeland: 1pm on Mondays works. Teachers can send the info out to parents. The password will need to be distributed.
- Ms. Camille’s father has tested positive for Covid-19. Currently at Brigham’s for treatment. Is aware this news has been shared, feel free to reach out if you’d like