Governing Board Meeting
Thursday, December 20th, 2018
Facilitators: Dr. Copeland/ Ms. Triplett
Time: 4:00-5:30
Note Taker: Caitlin Nelson
Time Keeper:
In attendance:
Tracey Triplett, Christine Copeland, Sherry Tyrance, Christian Dibble, Morgan Hayward, Martha Jones, Pilar Castro, Patrick Donovan, Caitlin Nelson, Karen Perakis, Sachian Mahon, Akua-Nia Francillon, Sean Greenhalgh, Angel Nunez
Time | Minutes | Activity |
4:00-4:10 | 10 | Review Meeting Notes |
4:10-4:20 | 10 | Discussing the Waiver Process of Adding Additional PD Hours |
4:20-4:30 | 10 | Committee Work Grant Writing for Playworks |
4:30-4:40 | 10 | Closing and Next Steps |
In attendance:
Tracey Triplett, Christine Copeland, Sherry Tyrance, Christian Dibble, Morgan Hayward, Martha Jones, Pilar Castro, Patrick Donovan, Caitlin Nelson, Karen Perakis, Sachian Mahon, Akua-Nia Francillon, Sean Greenhalgh
- Discussion/review
from previous meeting:
- Maggie
Riddell presented on the transition from Innovation to ELT (Schedule A)
- Not much is changing, hours remain similar (highly desirable school start time) ~ 10 min changes
- PD hours being
reduced (At present/past approx 70 hours: 32 over summer institute, 18 flex
hours for teachers own pursuits, and the rest spread over course of year → scaling back to 30 hours going
forward as ELT school)
- Principal suggests time for collaborative PD and planning over the 30 hours
- Proposed adding additional hours to the 30 PD hour requirement and paying BTU rate for compensation, but for this was too expensive
- BTU suggested adding 10 additional hours without a vote, payable based on seniority (pro-rata basis), ~$30,000 total
- If we were seeking the 50 hours of PD, we would need to vote for waiver, granted by Steering Committee which meets each month → due by April
- JFK continues the conversation surrounding PD
- Teacher contract still under negotiation (additional PD time is proposed in this new contract) → current contract has run out, limited information is available
- As
schedule A, teachers each get $200 … option to pool together to buy something
bigger or do individually
- Need to clarify the specifics on how this would work
- Need to report on how the $200 is spent
- There will be teacher leaders for TFT (teacher facilitated time) that receive $1000 stipend after a PD
- Question:
P&D time?
- 1 TFT, 1 CPT, 5 traditional P&D periods
- No extra specialist for next year (if we get one, if would only be part time at best, 1-2 more classes)
- Scheduling an early meeting on Thursday, January 3rd, 4:00pmWill be voting on discretionary fundsNeed quorum (3 parents, 3 teachers) to vote
- Maggie
Riddell presented on the transition from Innovation to ELT (Schedule A)
- New
- Playworks
($31,000 cost from operating budget)
- Need to look for grants that might support that and offset cost
- Tracey reports its been hard to find such grants, spoke to playworks about it, in other parts of the country professional sports teams have supported this (New Balance, Reebok headquarters here, big sports teams)
- Karen suggests look into health and wellness sponsors (hospitals, etc)
- Sean suggests reaching out to athletic companies
- TT: How to approach that? Perhaps ask for a little from many different places
- CN: Suggests seeking matching donations by a partner
- Committees:
- Grant Committee (Triplett, Copeland, Hayward, Jones, Tyance, Dibble)
- Website Committee (Greenhalgh, Nelson
will continue to seek feedback and update)
- Greenhalgh is a Social Media specialist
- Greenhalgh/Nelson will meet in January to better integrate Twitter, Facebook, Website social media for JFK
- Fundraising Committee (Francillon,
Castro, Perakis, Greenhalgh, Donovan, Nelson )
- One big event, versus many small events??
- Flower or candy-gram for Valentine’s Day (get flowers from Flower Exchange)
- Movie Night – could be simple and easy to experiment with
- Merchandise sales (could survey families on interest in items)
- Yard Sale
- Playworks
($31,000 cost from operating budget)