Governing Board MeetingThursday, October 25th, 2018
Facilitators: Dr. Copeland/ Ms. Triplett
Time: 4:00-5:30
Note Taker:  Kimmy Lee
Time Keeper:  Dr. Copeland

In attendance:
Tracey Triplett, Christine Copeland, Ezinwa Nwankwo, Martha Jones, Kimmy Lee, Sachian Mahon, Patrick Donovan, Caitlin Nelson, Angel Nunez, Sean Greenhalgh, Morgan Hayward, Pilar Castro, Akua-Nia Francillon

Time Minutes Activity
4:00-4:10 10 Introduction
4:10-4:20 10 School Update Setting Meeting Dates for SY 18-19
4:20-4:25 5 Review of By-laws Ms Triplett
4:25-4:35 10 Role of the Governing Board Decision Making Process Ms. Perakis
4:35-4:40 5 Developing Working Committees
4:40-5:00 20 Closing and Next Steps

1st Governing Board Meeting
Thursday, 10/25/18 – 4:00PM – 5:00PM

In attendance:

Tracey Triplett, Christine Copeland, Ezinwa Nwankwo, Martha Jones, Kimmy Lee, Sachian Mahon, Patrick Donovan, Caitlin Nelson, Angel Nunez, Sean Greenhalgh, Morgan Hayward, Pilar Castro, Akua-Nia Francillon

  1. Announcements:
    1. Ms. Triplett – running late & Ms. Perakis – not attending – knee/ankle
  • Introduction:
    • Dr. Copeland, Ms. Triplett, Ms. Ezy, Ms. Jones, Ms. Kimmy, Ms. Sach, Mr. Donovan, Ms. Nelson, Mr. Nunez, Mr. Greenhalgh (Clara’s Dad – Room 101), Ms. Hayward(Frances and Chandler’s mom), Ms. Castro, Ms. Francillon
  • School Updates:
    • New members of the JFK community
      • 0.5 ESL specialist –  Ms. Toledano (part time)
      • Ms. Littlehale – 3rd grade SEI (Sheltered English Immersion) Teacher
      • Ms. Simmons – 4th grade Gen Ed Teacher
      • Ms. Bellamy – Covering secretary (temporary as of right now – position has been posted again – couldn’t find a right fit for the school last time)
        • Ideal candidate is someone who speaks Spanish
    • City Year Team
      • 6 first year AmeriCorps members this year
      • Smaller team than last year – due to a national recruitment challenge. Boston corps size was targeted to be 300 corps members currently 220.
    • Art Teacher from JP Kids Art for the Kindergarten classes.
    • Still have Playworks (Coach Jonah) this year – money to fund comes from the operating budget. Using chocolate sales to offset the costs as well.
    • Mr. Coburn – in the system as a sub but has a background with supporting behavior management.
    • Enrollment – ~380
      • School’s full capacity – 425
      • Grade 2-3 LD classroom (3 students) only classroom in 2 & 3 that is under enrolled
    • Activities/Field Trips
      • Kindergarten – Apple picking
      • 1st grade – Pumpkin Patch
      • 5th grade – Plimoth Plantation
      • 2nd grade – Post office
      • 3rd grade – library
  • This year the JFK is in the UVA (University of Virginia) cohort (District restructured school grouping/cohorts)
    • Combines focus from education school with the business school. ~15 years’ experience – has been proven to work
    • Last year – 1 instructional superintendent supporting 27 schools
    • This year – 1 instructional superintendent supporting 6 schools
      • Dr. Copeland applied for this and went through interview process
    • UVA cohort – provides more support for Dr. Copeland and the school
      • Ms. Landry (instructional super) visits the school once a week. Is able to see the supports that the JFK needs
      • Special Ed Coordinator (Ms. Considine) comes in bi-weekly
    • With this partnership – school has to change the ELA curriculum to EL
      • Still looking for options in grades 1 and 2
    • UVA cohort walk through (5 other principals) yesterday (10/24)
      • Positive reviews!!
      • Feedback was that they saw students engage in productive struggle
      • Math – saw students doing the heavy lifting, showing their strategies and thinking
      • 1 principal wanted to film 2nd grade teacher!
  1. Coaching support
    1. Coach from central office – supposed to be at the JFK 1 day a week but has been here for about 3 days a week
    1. Focus on math support
    1. UVA looking for a literary coach
    1. 1 person comes in once a week to support/plan with Ms. Ezy/Mrs. Moody
  • Parent Council Update
    • 1 meeting already to elect
    • Another meeting tomorrow (Friday, 10/26)
    • Game Night – 11/15
    • Applying for permits for a bake sale
      • Usually sells at Forest Hills
      • Potentially sell at JFK – voting place
  • Attendance
    • District and school are focusing on attendance this year
    • This year – if a student has more than 4 absences – a note will be sent home
    • More than 18 absences – places on a watch list (chronically absence
      • If there is a doctor’s note – the absence is excused (primarily for Grades 1 -5, not kindergarten)
  • Arrival/Drop Off/Dismissal
    • Safer and better this year due to the tapper system
    • Teachers are not on duty until 8:20AM
    • During the cold months – the auditorium will be open for students
    • Last year – students were getting dropped off very early (earliest was 6:50AM) – they were in the foyer with no adult supervision
    • YMCA Morning Program – still have spots available. The Y will hire additional people if there is need
    • Dismissal – Dr. Copeland and office staff encourage parents to pick up students by 2:30PM at the latest.
      • Last year ~25 families in the office during dismissal
      • Dr. Copeland sent Krista info so she can put in the parent newsletter
  • Meeting Dates for this year:
    • Thursday, November 29th 2018
    • Thursday, December 20th, 2018
    • Thursday, January 17th, 2019
    • Thursday, February 28th, 2019
    • Thursday, March 21st, 2019
    • Thursday, April 25th 2019
    • Thursday, May 30th 2019
    • Thursday, June 13th 2019 (tentatively scheduled just in case there are snow days in March)
  • Governing Board Bylaws (Ms. Triplett)
    • Sent to new parent members
    • How we act as governing board
    • Will have to make new bylaws if the school is no longer innovation status
    • Talks about the mission, history, and commitment of board members (members must attend meeting regularly).
    • Able to set up sub committees
    • Guides for meetings – open meeting times, agenda and notes via google docs – available to the public
    • Decision making process (Ms. Perakis will talk about this in the next meeting)
    • Boards needs at least 3 teachers and 3 parents to vote
  • Committees
    • 2 last year (Grant Writing/Website Development)
    • Ms. Jones – received a grant last year and was able to buy ipads for her classroom (from the law firm Brown Rudnick) & surveyed the teachers about what they would like funded with a grant
    • Ms. Nelson made a for the school’s website
      • Email Central Office about putting the link on the BPS website
    • Ideally 2 committees this year as well (Grant Writing/Fundraising)
      • Fundraising – annual performance would be great – last year Peter and the Wolf – 3500
      • Ms. Darling – Rodriguez- candy sales
      • Ask staff in the building about ideas they have as well.
  • Next Steps:
    • Decide who will be on the committee and have work time to brainstorm
    • Grant Writing – look over the survey sent to teachers last year
    • Fundraising – brainstorm event ideas/date and time
    • Next meeting – Decision making process, developing norms (how we will work together as a group), and committee work time.